PROUD 2B INDIAN Desipora: Malaysia - Truly Asia

Monday, February 28, 2005

Malaysia - Truly Asia

At the recent conference I attended, there was a large contingent of PIO's from Malaysia. Now, I didn't know that Malaysia had such a strong Indian community. I read about the "Indentured Labourers" from Tamilnadu who set off to Malay to work on the Teak Plantations in the late 1800's, after my chance reading of The Glass Palace by Amitav Ghosh.

For lack of time, I googled for fast information on "Malaysian Indians". The result came up with a site Yayasan Strategik Sosial, a social development centre for the Malaysian Indian Community. Started by the Malaysian Indian Congress! Under the link of International Concerns, I found very interesting papers on the community's initiatives to maintain links with India - the homeland and the other larger family of pravasis.

When I have the time for research, I am going to find out some prominent Malay-Indian writers, apparently they are some good ones. Reminds me, I gotto get myself a copy of a documentary on "Malaysian Indians".

Development Junkie | 8:49 PM |


Anonymous Anonymous | Mon Feb 18, 03:40:00 PM | # 

Check out K. S. Maniam. He received the Raja Rao award for his literary work at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

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