Monday, March 21, 2005
DD wooing the Diaspora

We Indians, endured, loved and hated Doordarshan (DD), at one point the only Public Television broadcaster in India . Today with cable TV, DD takes a backseat in most Indian urban homes. Not to be out done by cable competition, the latest programs, news features have all been revamped, made much more slick. Provoking a slight urban reversal to DD.
And the latest - Doordarshan is planning a TV channel for the Indian diaspora in Britain, which will also cater to sub groups of the diaspora like Gujarati, Bengali, Punjabi etc. For more...

And the latest - Doordarshan is planning a TV channel for the Indian diaspora in Britain, which will also cater to sub groups of the diaspora like Gujarati, Bengali, Punjabi etc. For more...


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