PROUD 2B INDIAN Desipora: Hinglish Vs the Indian Diasporic film

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Hinglish Vs the Indian Diasporic film

I enjoy watching Hinglish (Indian made English Films) films; “Everybody says I’m fine” is my favorite, now there is a new one out called “White Nose” starring Rahul Bose and Koel Purie.

I find a lot of similarities between films made in English and Indian Diasporic film. First of all most of these movies will be shown only in a multiplex urban setting. Secondly the movies will be in English with a dash of Hindi here and there. Third, I love it that there is no song or dance routines, which sometimes make me squirm in my seat. Last but not the least both these genres are pretty new. Only the early 90’s saw these genres become more main stream.

Bend it like Baichung Posted by Hello

Both these genres of movies are inward looking with a painful dose of emotional pain pushing the character to be human. There is an inward journey in the characters mind to define the self. The steady reference in these movies is always individual “Character” and the choices they have to make, be it Urban India or suburbs in the US or UK. The characters in these films are strong and deep, they hold interest because they are educated and trying hard to heal their suburban confusions.

A Hinglish film deals with characters within the context of India, an India which is full of modern vs. traditional dichotomies. Same with the Diasporic film maker, who is trying to make sense of being Indian in a foreign land, the Western Vs Indian identity.

So both deal with “confusion” and “Identity” in very different settings. In a way the Hinglish directors have many storylines keeping in mind that they are in an Indian setting and there is no real need for fighting for a cultural identity.

The Diasporic film makers need to develop new story lines. Their main pitch has been I am American, I am Indian and the twain shall meet - how about a story of the diligent and smart slick Desi trying to become President of the U S of A.

Development Junkie | 12:59 AM |

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This blog was chronicling my Ph.D journey, which I am no longer pursuing. Since I will always like reviewing film and talking about Indian family and street culture, this blog takes a different turn.

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Development Junkie
New Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, India

Interested in learning more of development communications

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