PROUD 2B INDIAN Desipora: Tables have turned Nehruji

Friday, March 11, 2005

Tables have turned Nehruji

After reading a lot of blogs from members of the Indian Diaspora, I am convinced that the diaspora uses blogging as one way of creating and asserting their identity and taking a strong position in the virtual sphere.

I found this fascinating article: Virtual ethnicity and digital diasporas: Identity construction in cyberspace

In addition to a common goal, most successful experiments in cyber-communitarianism presume some shared history, language, and culture that provide the "raw material" in terms of the symbolic capital for the reproduction of a community in the virtual meta-space.

On another note, I sat thinking about India's relationship with its Indian Diaspora.

To use Pandit Nehru's words
"these Indians abroad, what are they? Are they going to be citizens of India or not? If they are not then our interest in them becomes cultural and humanitarian not political."

Ofcourse today the tables have turned since Nehruji offered that comment when the Indian National Congress was asked to intervene during the Fiji strife against the the Indian identured labour.

Today the
Government is interested in the Diaspora both politically and economically.

And in my humble opinion it is the Diaspora that is interested in India Culturally and on Humanitarian grounds. Don't believe me check out the zany and smartly written "Desi" blogs.

Development Junkie | 12:38 AM |

About the blog

This blog was chronicling my Ph.D journey, which I am no longer pursuing. Since I will always like reviewing film and talking about Indian family and street culture, this blog takes a different turn.

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Development Junkie
New Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, India

Interested in learning more of development communications

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