PROUD 2B INDIAN Desipora: Centre for Indian Diasporic Film

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Centre for Indian Diasporic Film

I just went through this website, The National Centre for Jewish Film.

I think we need this kind of a dedicated Centre for Indian diasporic film. I read through the documentaries and movies coming out of the Indian diaspora, very randomly. We have some great work in terms of film and documentaries coming out of the diaspora and randomness causes us to lose some provocative, determined, sordid, painful and beautiful visual stories.

Is there such an International Centre for Indian Diasporic Film?

Development Junkie | 9:36 PM |

About the blog

This blog was chronicling my Ph.D journey, which I am no longer pursuing. Since I will always like reviewing film and talking about Indian family and street culture, this blog takes a different turn.

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Development Junkie
New Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, India

Interested in learning more of development communications

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