PROUD 2B INDIAN Desipora: Ph.D - Plagiarism

Monday, June 27, 2005

Ph.D - Plagiarism

I had asked some of peers for their "Ph.D Proposal". Just to have an idea, how to go about mine. They seemed skeptical. Fair enough! But it peeved me to think that they didn' trust me enough to share their work, when our thesis topics were so different.

At times like this, I think I am happy doing a Ph.D while working, so I don't have to interact with peers who aren't helpful. And since I meet my Guide just once a month, it makes our discussions more fruitful.

I just googled for 'Ph.D Plagiarism'. This is what I found,

Very soon, PhD research scholars in the country would be required to submit their theses online thanks to a radical plan of the University Grants Commission (UGC) to create an electronic Indian Theses Database

For more on UGC plans e-thesis to stop PhD plagiarism and increase access click!

I am glad with the help of the e-database of thesis, we would have access to some good thesis work, imagine a good thesis lying in the back row of a back shelf in the last left hand corner of the library covered with dust and yellowing. What a waste of data, resources and ideas! And at the same time there is a curb on copying of authentic research work.

I am hoping this ensures that the quality of our thesis rises.

Development Junkie | 12:32 AM |

About the blog

This blog was chronicling my Ph.D journey, which I am no longer pursuing. Since I will always like reviewing film and talking about Indian family and street culture, this blog takes a different turn.

About me

Development Junkie
New Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, India

Interested in learning more of development communications

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