PROUD 2B INDIAN Desipora: A Ph.D update

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

A Ph.D update

I had a meeting with my Guide today and he was satisfied with my progress on the proposal. So I am going to be having a Doctoral committee interview in the second week of August and that will clear the line for my body of work to be translated into table of contents, chapters, paragraphs and then an entire bound thesis.

I have also applied for a fellowship to study in the US - the land where Desi's make movies about Desi's.Crossing my fingers, for I would love to interact with South Asian scholars in the US myself being located in South Asia. Imagine the exchange and the cultural difference we might have.

Well gotto run!

Development Junkie | 12:37 AM |

About the blog

This blog was chronicling my Ph.D journey, which I am no longer pursuing. Since I will always like reviewing film and talking about Indian family and street culture, this blog takes a different turn.

About me

Development Junkie
New Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, India

Interested in learning more of development communications

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