Saturday, August 20, 2005
An Appeal to all Americans particularly the American Desi’s.

When I first enrolled for my Ph.D, I was asked to visit the American Studies Research Centre, (ASRC) here in Hyderabad. Now known as IACIS, the Indo-American Centre for International Studies. At one time, it was the best centre outside the USA for American studies. Unfortunately the funding to the IACIS has stopped; a few philanthropists had given donations to keep the institute alive. But today the Executive Director, Dr. Isaac Sequiera rents out the campus to NGO’s for meetings and conferences to make two ends meet. Dr. Sequiera, must be in his late 70’s is one of the few Indian academicians on Popular American Culture, and I admire him for his tenaciousness at protecting the Institute and its employees.
The library there is magnificent, but the books need to be updated and the building needs to be done. I do feel for the institute, because I use its resources but the resources are now archaic It needs finances to keep it going.
Since I hear of some Desi’s build “Indian Centres” in Universities, I think it would also be fair to appeal to them for donation towards the American Studies research Centre in Hyderabad, India. As I say if you’re Indian-American, you must promote study of both the cultures.
Guess if I make it to the US for the Fulbright fellowship, I will work to get some funds for the institute that helps researchers like me.
I don't know if you still remember an ASRC librarian of the 80s and 90s. I am now in Toronto. Searching for an update on ASRC, saw the news in Hindu. If you are in Hyd., update me on the current situation. I am desperate to know more; and a pity that I never completed the Web page of my beloved library.
More on hearing from you.
Best wishes for a non-Ph.D's life and work.
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