PROUD 2B INDIAN Desipora: Will come back again

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Will come back again

November would have been a stellar month for the Ph.D, because I was given a chance for publishing and also making a paper presentation at the Centre for Study of Culture and Society in Bangalore, at the Young Researchers Workshop.

But right now being so tired and nauseated, making it through the day is a hard task. I am hoping from December I start to feel better, the first trimester would be done then. I will come back to active blogging then.

For now Puneet and me have started another blog on the pregnancy. So you can catch up with me there.

Thanks for all your wishes!

Development Junkie | 8:45 PM |


Blogger Bhale Budugu | Wed Nov 23, 06:19:00 PM | # 

I don't know how I landed here. but happy to see your blog.You have Good posts.

Talking about it, I remember a recent site ,
which I visited. It has good details about diasporas , sahityam, sangitam, history pages. particularly watch the sahityam page / sangitam page and the adee-idee real cool stuff


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This blog was chronicling my Ph.D journey, which I am no longer pursuing. Since I will always like reviewing film and talking about Indian family and street culture, this blog takes a different turn.

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Development Junkie
New Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, India

Interested in learning more of development communications

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