Thursday, April 20, 2006
I am serious about Anti-state films

I saw two pictures in the last two weeks: one was the slick , enigmatic, V For Vendetta and the other was the youthful, Rang De Basanti. I liked both films. Forget the critical eye, I was energized by the messages within the bigger picture, literally. They appealed to the "idealism" that never ceases to exist in me. Like I said films have a very profound effect on me. An art form we enjoy collectively as a society.
I'll spare you the story and plot, suffice to say both the movies were about histories repeating itself, revenge and the state. Both the movies, used, "Violence" and "Anarchy" to seek out revenge on their governments. The violence was justified, I thought, but only within the context of the movies. I like my heroes winning over the bad guys.
Like they say, art imitates life, even if the quote were vice versa, it bothers me to think that we are turning violent and creating anarchy to get our Governments to recognize us ordinary citizens.
Personally I abhor violence/destruction, it hardly improves a situation. I love revolutions though. Peaceful ones! Blacks, Indians, non-violence! Most of us ordinary Indians are smart enough not to proclaim ideologies, like leftist, right-wing, democratic, socialist,libertarian - they confuse us. But one thing we all know for sure is we need more idealism and a government that is accountable to you and me. (the link directs you to a coverage of the Jessica Lal murder case)
Once in a while movies remind us that we should have the balls to tackle our governments! (Sans guyfawks masks!)

I just stumbled across your blog ( I dont even know how I got here) but since you were talking about Rang de Basanti and I had something to say about it too, I would leave a comment. The movie, as a movie, has been excellently done and the acting of all the characters is above par. But, when we try to read too much into the moral of the story it is a bit far fetched. It just presents the youth in a bad light and the hope is kept alive that one fine day something is going to happen that is going to shock you out of your idle life and you will become the pride of your nation.
Revolution, any revolution, is a work of many lifetimes though it may seem to be started by one spark. A single spark can not burn a hay stack unless the summer sun has dried it into...well driness.
Nice blog overall. :)
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