PROUD 2B INDIAN Desipora: following in the footsteps of Buddhadeb

Sunday, May 14, 2006

following in the footsteps of Buddhadeb

The Indian middle-class (IMC) (to which I belong) believes that all politicians are smart but rascals. We don't care to know more of our politicians, save except to lambaste them. So last week when Pramod Mahajan was shot by his brother and while India waited to learn of his life-death situation, I was surprised to read so many positive articles on his association with the press and his apparently charismatic personality.

Over the weekend, I switched on to CNN-IBN and was catching up with the recent elections. Once again, I am degrading politicians and their once-in-five year -gimmicks. Comes on to my screen an old man in white speaking clearly and pointedly his mind. Buddhadeb Bhattacharya, the Chief Minister of West Bengal. The clearly Red Marxist state of India.

He's a communist with capitalistic goals. During the interview he held to his convictions without ambiguity,he seemed to know his weaknesses and strengths, his goals and priorities as Chief Minister of West Bengal. Apparently he also likes Tagore and Shakepeare, clearly a Bangla Baba, coffee-house intellectual.

So the political culture of India is very boring to the IMC, except during election or getting-shot time. It is time we look at the credentials of our politicians and bring to light for ourselves the ones that want progress for India, not the kameena-saalah (power game)types. Hardly makes a difference to us then.

I will be following Buddhadeb closely, he looks promising.

Development Junkie | 10:08 PM |


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