Monday, May 08, 2006
Run Baby Run

Budhi with Olympian Daley Thomas and coach Das
Last week there was this huge uproar about the marathon run undertaken by four and half year old Budhia Singh. I was aghast with the little boys stamina and single mindedness. Every time he ran on the every one hour news, I wished he would be trained to be a marathon runner. I wondered was he talented, gifted or just plain pushed to run? Was the Limca Book of records his goal?
The public will never have a clear answers to this question. There fore my opinion on this matter will never be clear.
But whatever said , I hope this little guy is going to be running marathons the world over when he is older. I've read reports and articles that he shouldn't be running, he's being pushed by his coach, his tiny body under stress...but you can't dismiss the fact that he has the hall mark of a great runner. Running an average of 9.65 Kms an hour!! And to be world class you need a pushy coach.
I wish India nourishes and nurtures him to adulthood. It would be nice to watch Budhia run as a man.
All the best little one!
PS: Personally I am learning to play squash, I enjoy yoga and aerobics. I like running as well, but it can get a bit lonely . But Budhia's got an entourage behind him, so he won't get lonely.
Talking of running...I sincerly feel that every person should have a right mix of physical, mental and emotional activity every day for him/her to stay balanced..I typically overdo the mental and emotional thing a little too much..But yes, good things have a knack of happening to my life and i got myself into Isha Yoga and these days i cannot but treat myself to a session of Yoga...
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